
Create conda environment

Since the SPT package is based on the picasso_addon package, please follow the instructions how to set up a conda environment for picasso_addon. The thus created environment (picasso_addon) provides all necessary dependencies for SPT.

Download and use SPT

To use the SPT package please clone the SPT GitHub repository. You can add the package to your environment (e.g. picasso_addon) by switching to the downloaded folder (SPT) and typing

(picasso_addon) python install
If you don’t want to install the SPT package into your environment but want to be able to permanently import SPT functions in any IPython (Spyder, Jupyter) session do the following:
  1. Navigate to ~/.ipython/profile_default
  2. Create a folder called startup if it’s not already there
  3. Add a new Python file called or modify it and add
import sys